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Sanders Sound Systems Magtech Stereo Amplifier

Clear, clean presence that sounds alive and breathing.
Review By Ron Nagle


What follows must be a story of evolution. And in a broad sense It will serve to illustrate some of the technical advances that have been made to bring music into our lives. Driven by our need to experience music we keep technology in a constant state of flux. Ever reaching for an elusive totally immersive experience. Back in May 2008 within the pages of Enjoy the I wrote about the original Sanders ESL Audio Amplifier. It was made to drive impossible electrostatic speaker impedance variations. And more specifically it was intended to power the designer Roger Sanders own Innersound Electrostatic speakers. At that time, eleven years ago, I owned and enjoyed a pair of Quad 63 Electrostatic speakers mounted on eighteen inch high Gradient woofers. And subsequently I purchased that Sanders ESL amplifier to power my Quad and Gradient speakers.

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